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We zijn dankbaar dat u de visie achter deze bijeenkomst financieel mee mogelijk maakt. In onze roeping zijn we afhankelijk van de voorziening die God geeft door partners en gevers heen. Stichting Presence heeft een ANBI-status, uw giften zijn aftrekbaar van de belasting.

Geven kan op de volgende manieren:

  • Ga naar en maak uw gift over via incasso of iDeal. U kunt daar ook partner worden.
  • Gebruik uw GIVT-app en kies in de lijst van doelen voor ‘Presence’.
  • U kunt uw gift ook rechtstreeks overmaken op NL89RABO0336177755 t.n.v. Stichting Presence.

Nog geen abonnee op ons youTube-kanaal? Hiermee helpt u ons enorm.
✅ Abonneer makkelijk via deze link, druk daarna op de bel 🔔 en blijf op de hoogte!
✅ Like de uitzending van vandaag en deel de link van de livestream even met uw vrienden, zo verspreiden we samen het goede nieuws van Jezus.


Let everything, that has breath
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let everything, that has breath
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord

I’ll praise in the valley
Praise on the mountain
I’ll praise when I’m sure
Praise when I’m doubting
I’ll praise when outnumbered
Praise when surrounded
‘Cause praise is the waters
My enemies drown in

As long as I’m breathing
I’ve got a reason to
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
Praise the Lord, oh my soul

I’ll praise when I feel it
And I’ll praise when I don’t
I’ll praise ‘cause I know
You’re still in control
‘Cause my praise is a weapon
It’s more than a sound
Oh, my praise is the shout
That brings Jericho down

As long as I’m breathing
I’ve got a reason to
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
I won’t be quiet, my God is alive
So how could I keep it inside?
Praise the Lord, oh my soul

I’ll praise ‘cause You’re sovereign
Praise ‘cause You reign
Praise ‘cause You rose and
Defeated the grave
I’ll praise ‘cause You’re faithful
Praise ‘cause You’re true
Praise ‘cause there’s nobody
Greater than You

Praise the Lord, oh my soul
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
I won’t be quiet, my God is alive
How could I keep it inside?
I won’t be quiet, my God is alive
How could I keep it inside?
I won’t be quiet, my God is alive
How could I keep it inside?
Praise the Lord, oh my soul

Let everything, that has breath
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let everything, that has breath
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord


There’s a lot of talk goin’ ‘round town
I hear a lot of people running their mouths
Every word like an anchor just bringing them
Down, down, down
We’ve all been looking for a silver lining
Something to hold on to when hopes been hiding
I know a place where you can go
If you wanna find it

This is the good news
If you’re breathing, it’s for you
An empty grave
A life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus’ name
If you’ve been searching
And nothing’s been working
I’ve got good news
Jesus loves you

Open up your eyes and look around you
This is a place where your freedom is found
Take a minute
Breathe it in
Watch your life turn upside down

This is the good news
If you’re breathing, it’s for you
An empty grave
A life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus’ name
If you’ve been searching
And nothing’s been working
I’ve got good news
Jesus loves you

No matter what you bring
Oh, He’s in love with you
No matter your history
Oh, He’s in love with you

No matter your unbelief
Oh, He’s in love with you
From now ’til eternity
He’s still in love with you

This is the good news
If you’re breathing, it’s for you
An empty grave
A life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus’ name
If you’ve been searching
And nothing’s been working
I’ve got good news
Jesus loves you

Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
For the Bible tells me so



Wandering into the night
Wanting a place to hide
This weary soul, this bag of bones
And I tried with all my mind
And I just can’t win the fight
I’m slowly drifting, oh vagabond
And just when I ran out of road
I met a man I didn’t know
And he told me
That I was not alone

He picked me up
He turned me around
He placed my feet on solid ground
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior
Because He healed my heart
He changed my name
Forever free, I’m not the same
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior
I thank God

I cannot deny what I see
Got no choice but to believe
My doubts are burning
Like ashes in the wind
So, so long to my old friends
Burden and bitter night
You can’t just keep them moving
No, you ain’t welcome here
From now ’til I walk
The streets of gold
I’ll sing of how You saved my soul
This wayward son
Has found his way back home

He picked me up
Turned me around
Placed my feet on solid ground
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior
Because He healed my heart
Changed my name
Forever free, I’m not the same
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior
Oh, I thank God

Hell lost another one
I am free, I am free, I am free

He picked me up
He turned me around
He placed my feet on solid ground
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior
Because He healed my heart
He changed my name
Forever free, I’m not the same
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior
I thank God

Get up, get up, get up
Get up out of that grave



There was a moment when the lights went out
When death had claimed its victory
The King of love had given up His life
The darkest day in history
There on a cross they made for sinners
For every curse His blood atoned
One final breath and it was finished
But not the end we could have known

For the earth began to shake
And the veil was torn
What sacrifice was made
As the heavens roared

All hail King Jesus
All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth
All hail King Jesus
All hail the Savior of the world

There was a moment when the sky lit up
A flash of light breaking through
When all was lost He crossed eternity
The King of life was on the move

For in a dark, cold tomb
Where our Lord was laid
One miraculous breath
And we’re forever changed

All hail King Jesus
All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth
All hail King Jesus
All hail the Savior of the world


Let every knee come
Bow before the King of Kings
Let every tongue
Confess that He is Lord
Lift up your shout
Let us join with all of Heaven
Singing Holy, singing Holy
Cry out Holy, cry out Holy



Are you hurting and broken within
Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin
Jesus is calling

Have you come to the end of yourself
Do you thirst for a drink from the well
Jesus is calling

O come to the altar
The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ

Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
Come today, there’s no reason to wait
Jesus is calling

Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes, a new life is born
Jesus is calling

O come to the altar
The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood

Oh, what a Savior
Isn’t He wonderful?
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
Bow down before Him
For He is Lord of all
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen

O come to the altar
The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ

O come to the altar
The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
The Father’s arms are open wide



I was a wretch
Heer, ik liep vast

I remember who I was
O ik weet nog wie ik was

I was lost, I was blind
Ik was blind en verdwaald

I was running out of time
Door mijn zonden ingehaald

Sin separated
Ik kon niet terug

The breach was far too wide
Want de kloof was veel te wijd

But from the far side of the chasm
Maar aan de overkant stond U

You held me in your sight
En uw oog was steeds op mij

So You made a way
U werd de brug

Across the great divide
Die de diepte overspant

Left behind Heaven’s throne
U verliet uw Vaders troon

To build it here inside
Om te heersen in mijn hart

And there at the cross
Daar aan het kruis

You paid the debt I owed
Droeg U mijn verdiende loon

Broke my chains, freed my soul
Kocht mijn ziel vrij van schuld

For the first time I had hope
En voor het eerst had ik weer hoop

Thank you Jesus for the blood applied
Dank U, Jezus, voor uw kostbaar bloed

Thank you Jesus, it has washed me white
Dank U, Jezus, ik ben schoon voorgoed

Thank you Jesus, You have saved my life
Dank U, Jezus, want U redde mij

Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
Bracht mij uit het donker naar uw heerlijkheid

You took my place
U nam mijn plaats

Laid inside my tomb of sin
Werd begraven in mijn graf

You were buried for three days
Daar lag U, drie dagen lang

But then You walked right out again
Maar sinds U naar buiten kwam

And now death has no sting
Heeft het leven geen eind

And life has no end
En de dood heeft afgedaan

For I have been transformed
Mijn leven is vernieuwd

By the blood of the lamb
Door het bloed van het Lam

Thank you Jesus for the blood applied
Dank U, Jezus, voor uw kostbaar bloed

Thank you Jesus, it has washed me white
Dank U, Jezus, ik ben schoon voorgoed

Thank you Jesus, You have saved my life
Dank U, Jezus, want U redde mij

Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
Bracht mij uit het donker naar uw heerlijkheid

There is nothing stronger
Niets is ooit nog sterker

Than the wonder working power of the blood
Dan het wonder dat bewerkt is

Of the blood, the blood
Door uw bloed, Uw bloed

That calls us sons and daughters
Het maakt ons zoons en dochters

We are ransomed by our Father
Van de Vader, want U kocht ons

Through the blood, the blood
Met uw bloed, uw bloed

There is nothing stronger
Niets is ooit nog sterker

Than the wonder working power of the blood
Dan het wonder dat bewerkt is

Of the blood, the blood
Door uw bloed, Uw bloed

That calls us sons and daughters
Het maakt ons zoons en dochters

We are ransomed by our Father
Van de Vader, want U kocht ons

Through the blood, the blood
Met uw bloed, uw bloed

Thank you Jesus for the blood applied
Dank U, Jezus, voor uw kostbaar bloed

Thank you Jesus, it has washed me white
Dank U, Jezus, ik ben schoon voorgoed

Thank you Jesus, You have saved my life
Dank U, Jezus, want U redde mij

Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
Bracht mij uit het donker naar uw heerlijkheid



Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace

Thank you for this love, Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb



Thank you for the cross, Lord
Dank U voor het kruis Heer

Thank you for the price You paid
Dank U dat U stierf voor mij

Bearing all my sin and shame
U droeg al mijn schuld mijn pijn

In love You came
Nu ben ik rein

And gave amazing grace
Uw liefde wast mij schoon

Thank you for this love, Lord
Dank U voor offer

Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Vastgenageld aan het kruis

Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Liefdevol vergeeft U mij

Now all I know
U leeft in mij

Your forgiveness and embrace
En omarmt mij als Uw zoon

Worthy is the Lamb
Waardig is het Lam

Seated on the throne
Zittend op de troon

Crown You now with many crowns
Zegevierend voor altijd

You reign victorious
Draagt U de hoogste kroon

High and lifted up
Hoog verheven Heer

Jesus Son of God
Jezus, zoon van God

The Darling of Heaven crucified
De hemel gaf ons haar grootste schat

Worthy is the Lamb
Waardig is het Lam

Worthy is the Lamb
Waardig is het Lam



Worthy is Your name, Jesus
You deserve the praise
Worthy is Your name
Worthy is Your name, Jesus
You deserve the praise
Worthy is Your name

Be exalted now in the heavens
As Your glory fills this place
You alone deserve our praise
You’re the name above all names



Our God reigns
Our God reigns
Forever Your kingdom reigns



I won’t forget
Dit blijft ons bij

The wonder of how You brought
De wonderen die U deed

Wij zijn bevrijd

The exodus of my heart
Een exodus voor ons hart

‘Cause You found me, You freed me
U vond ons, U hielp ons

Held back the waters for my release
U spleet het water, nu zijn wij vrij

O Yahweh
O Jahweh

You’re the God who fights for me
U bent God die ons bevrijdt

Lord of every victory
Overwinnaar in de strijd

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Halleluja, Halleluja

You have torn apart the sea
U bent God die zeeën splijt

You have led me through the deep
en ons door de diepten leidt

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Halleluja, Halleluja


The cloud by day
Een wolk bij dag

Is a sign that You are with me
Bewijst dat U ons voorgaat

The fire by night
Een vuur bij nacht

Is the guiding light to my feet
Wijst ons de weg die U gaat

‘Cause You found me
U vond ons U hielp ons

Held back the waters for my release
U spleet het water, nu zijn wij vrij

O Yahweh
O Jahweh

You’re the God who fights for me
U bent God die ons bevrijdt

Lord of every victory
Overwinnaar in de strijd

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Halleluja, Halleluja

You have torn apart the sea
U bent God die zeeën splijt

You have led me through the deep
en ons door de diepten leidt

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Halleluja, Halleluja

You stepped into my Egypt
U zag ons in Egypte

You took me by the hand
U nam ons bij de hand

You marched me out in freedom
U leidde ons in vrijheid

Into the promised land
Naar het beloofde land

Now I will not forget You, no
Nooit zullen wij vergeten

I’ll sing of all You’ve done
Wat uw hand heeft gedaan

Death is swallowed up forever
Zelfs de dood is nu verzwolgen

By the fury of Your love
Door uw liefde overmand

You’re the God who fights for me
U bent God die ons bevrijdt

Lord of every victory
Overwinnaar in de strijd

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Halleluja, Halleluja

You have torn apart the sea
U bent God die zeeën splijt

You have led me through the deep
en ons door de diepten leidt

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Halleluja, Halleluja



My Jesus, my Savior
Heer er is niemand als U

Lord, there is none like You
Heer er is niemand als U

All of my days, I want to praise
Laat elk moment, al wat ik denk

The wonders of Your mighty love
vol zijn van Uw liefde Heer

My comfort, my shelter
Mijn Schuilplaats, mijn Trooster

Tower of refuge and strength
Veilige toren van kracht

Let every breath, all that I am
Adem en stem, al wat ik ben

Never cease to worship You
Brengen U voortdurend eer

Shout to the Lord
Juich voor de Heer

All the earth, let us sing
Heel de aarde wees blij

Power and majesty, praise to the King
Zing van de Koning en zijn heerschappij

Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
Bergen aanbidden, de zee juicht mee

At the sound of Your name
Bij het horen van Uw naam

I sing for joy at the work of Your hands
U wil ik prijzen voor dat wat U schiep

Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand
Mijn leven lang loven, want U heb ik lief

Nothing compares to the promise
Niets is zo goed als een leven

I have in You
Heel dicht bij U



We zijn dankbaar dat u de visie achter deze bijeenkomst financieel mee mogelijk maakt. In onze roeping zijn we afhankelijk van de voorziening die God geeft door partners en gevers heen. Stichting Presence heeft een ANBI-status, uw giften zijn aftrekbaar van de belasting.

Geven kan op de volgende manieren:

  • Ga naar en maak uw gift over via incasso of iDeal. U kunt daar ook partner worden.
  • Gebruik uw GIVT-app en kies in de lijst van doelen voor ‘Presence’.
  • U kunt uw gift ook rechtstreeks overmaken op NL89RABO0336177755 t.n.v. Stichting Presence.

Nog geen abonnee op ons youTube-kanaal? Hiermee helpt u ons enorm.
✅ Abonneer makkelijk via deze link, druk daarna op de bel 🔔 en blijf op de hoogte!
✅ Like de uitzending van vandaag en deel de link van de livestream even met uw vrienden, zo verspreiden we samen het goede nieuws van Jezus.


Yes, the world
Will bow down and say You are God
Every man
Will bow down and say You are King
So let’s start right now
Why would we wait?

King of Glory
Fill this place
I just wanna be with You
I just wanna be with You
King of Glory
Fill this place
I just wanna be with You
I just wanna be with You

Yes, the world
Will bow down and say You are God
Every man
Will bow down and say You are King
So let’s start right now
Why would we wait
We can praise You now in victory

King of Glory
Fill this place
I just wanna be with You
I just wanna be with You
King of Glory
Fill this place
I just wanna be with You
I just wanna be with You


So I’ll sing Hallelujah
Until You come again
And I’ll dance in Your presence
Until You come again
So I’ll sing Hallelujah
Until You come again
And I’ll dance in Your presence
Until You come again
So I’ll sing Hallelujah
Until You come again
And I’ll dance in Your presence
Until You come again
So I’ll sing Hallelujah
Until You come again
And I’ll dance in Your presence
Dance in Your Presence
Dance in Your Presence

King of Glory
Fill this place
I just wanna be with You
I just wanna be with You
King of Glory
Fill this place
I just wanna be with You
I just wanna be with You



A thousand generations
Falling down in worship
To sing the song of ages
To the Lamb
And all who’ve gone before us
And all who will believe
Will sing the song of ages
To the Lamb

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name
Stands above them all
All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name
Stands above them all

And the angels cry, Holy
All creation cries, Holy
You are lifted high, Holy
Holy forever

If you’ve been forgiven
And if you’ve been redeemed
Sing the song forever
To the Lamb
If you walk in freedom
And if you bear His name
Sing the song forever
To the Lamb
We’ll sing the song
Forever and amen

And the angels cry, Holy
All creation cries, Holy
You are lifted high, Holy
Holy forever
Hear your people sing, Holy
To the King of Kings, Holy
You will always be, Holy
Holy forever

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name
Stands above them all
All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name
Stands above them all



I saw the Lord seated on His throne
He was clothed in glory, exalted high
And the train of His robe, filled the temple
The angels circled round Him and cried

You are holy, oh so holy
You are holy Lord of all
You are holy, oh so holy
You are holy Lord of all

And woe is me for I’m unclean
For my eyes have seen the holy king
And He cleansed my lips right before I died
And the pillars shook as the angels cried
Holy is the Lamb

You are holy, oh so holy
You are holy Lord of all
You are holy, oh so holy
You are holy Lord of all


Holy, Holy
Are You Lord God, Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb
You are Holy, Holy
Are You Lord God, Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

Alleluia, Alleluia
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Alleluia, Alleluia
For the Lord God Almighty reigns




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